A Lesson Worth Learning From UK Property Education

A recent guest on Expat Property Story, (a podcast for expats investing in UK property), is Singapore based expat, Peter Sell, who has practised what I preach!

I have previously extolled the virtues of approaching potential UK property partners rather than being approached.

I love Peter’s expat story because, rather than being a victim of the £997 brigade (property education gurus work off the premise that by including a 7 in the price, we’ll all hypnotically gravitate towards paying over the odds for mutton dressed as lamb courses on how to replace your income through property in 28 days), he turned the tables on the gurus!

Peter was on one of those upselling introductory days and managed to poach one of the coaches off the course and employ him as a mentor at a fraction of the cost of the full programme which he escaped by the skin of his teeth!

He had to wait until the coach was contractually free, of course, but at a saving of 15K + he was understandably ok with that…

The message is clear: when it comes to property education, Don’t Be A Victim!

Full details on Episode 72!


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